Marijuana prohibition is quickly dissolving in the U.S., but it probably won’t vanish all at once. Even if Congress repeals ...
April, 2015
22 April
CNN’s Marijuana Documentary “Weed 3” Airs
CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta has returned with more revelations about medical marijuana with his latest documentary, “Weed ...
21 April
Gov. Christie Will “Not Permit” Marijuana if President
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently stated on a syndicated radio show that he would not let America legalize marijuana ...
20 April
Poll: Marijuana More Popular Than Presidential Candidates
In three key swing states – Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania – marijuana legalization is more popular than all the current ...
20 April
5 Differences Between Marijuana and Hemp
Marijuana and hemp are the two most commonly known names for the cannabis plant. Cannabis has just as much to ...
18 April
Marijuana Legalization Initiative Filed in Arizona
A ballot initiative has been file that – if approved by voters in November 2016 – would legalize marijuana in ...
18 April
Marijuana Advocates File Bill to Ban Alcohol in Vermont
Reps. Chris Pearson (P-Burlington) and Jean O’Sullivan (D-Burlington) who co-sponsored a bill to legalize and tax recreational marijuana sales in ...
17 April
How Long Does Marijuana Stay in the Body?
The amount of time that your body retains traces of marijuana depends on a number of factors, including how often ...
16 April
Georgia Legalizes Medical Marijuana Oil
Governor Nathan Deal signed legislation Thursday that legalizes marijuana oil for medical use in Georgia. The law took effect immediately ...
15 April
Fed Govt Institute Confirms Marijuana Kills Cancer
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has officially concluded that marijuana extracts can kill certain cancer cells. NIDA is ...