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5 Amazing Facts About Cannabidiol (CBD)


Most people know of THC, the psychoactive substance found in marijuana that creates a “high.” But recently, news has shifted to another substance naturally found in marijuana called CBD – and for good reason. It turns out that CBD provides a majority of the medicinal benefits found in marijuana. And the evidence of CBD’s medical benefits continues to mount.

Below are five amazing facts about CBD:

1. CBD is non-psychoactive

CBD does not cause a “high.” While this makes CBD a poor choice for recreational users, it gives the substance a significant advantage as a medicine, since health professionals prefer treatments with minimal side effects.

2. CBD has a wide range of medical benefits

CBD can help with many ailments including: reduces nausea and vomiting, suppresses seizure activity, and combats psychosis disorders, inflammatory disorders, neurodegenerative disorders, tumor and cancer cells, and anxiety and depression disorders.

3. CBD reduces the effects of THC

CBD counters the effects of THC’s psychoactive “high.” Numerous studies suggest that CBD acts to reduce memory impairment, paranoia as well as appears to counteract sleep-inducing effects of marijuana.

4. CBD is a key ingredient in marijuana

CBD is one of over 60 substances found in marijuana that belong to a class of molecules called cannabinoids. Of these compounds, CBD and THC are usually present in the highest concentrations, and are therefore the most recognized and studied.

5. CBD is still illegal

Even though CBD shows much promise as a medicine, it remains illegal in many parts of the world. CBD is classified as a Schedule I drug in the United States and a Schedule II drug in Canada. Although, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently approved a request to trial a pharmaceutical version of CBD in children with rare forms of epilepsy.

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